欧博体育官网校长埃里克J. 巴伦

欧博体育官网校长埃里克J. 巴伦

In the face of severe financial impacts to the University brought on by the global 冠状病毒 pandemic, 4月23日,欧博体育官网校长埃里克. 巴伦 announced some salary adjustments; a 3% across-the-board cut to university budgets in the next fiscal year; and his intention to work with the 校董会 to freeze tuition for the 2020-21 academic year to limit student costs.


I would like to begin by thanking each and every one of you who – in a time of extreme crisis and a time when each day brings uncertainty  – came together to focus on what we do best and what we are here to do: carry forward our mission of teaching, 研究和服务社会.

这一具有挑战性的时刻为我们的健康和安全造成了全球紧急情况, 我们的经济和我们对正常生活的感觉. 的 days ahead will be trying, and I fully acknowledge this communication is difficult.

因为你的坚韧和韧性, 我相信我们的社区会比以前更有创造力,更敏捷, 在您的努力和支持下, Penn State will continue to evolve as one of the world’s great institutions of higher education.

对整个国家来说,这是一场非常严重的金融危机. Our state and national economies have been crippled by the need to enact stay-at-home directives and social distancing. 没有任何企业能够免受这些影响,包括欧博体育官网. 仅在宾夕法尼亚州, 已经有超过100万人申请失业, 给很多家庭带来了困难.

自3月份以来,我们预计的损失已经超过1亿美元. 为我们大学下一个财政年度提供资金, we estimate an additional $160 million revenue loss — in the education and general funds budget alone. 我们的计划考虑了宾州州立大学, 和其他大学一样, 会面临入学人数减少——这会影响学费收入吗. 我们还可能面临州政府拨款减少的问题, 鉴于疫情对我们国家税收的负面影响.

不过, it is important to emphasize that the University has a strong fiscal and management foundation and is sought after by students in the United States and abroad. 我们保持健康的储备 高信用评级 并具有较强的借款能力. 所有这些方面都将有助于我们的复苏.


Our strategies are based on detailed analysis and scenario planning to provide adequate time to assess, 尽可能多, 我们的收入预测进展如何, 学生可以得到什么激励和其他支持, 在这种不确定和快速变化的环境中,员工和大学.

由于COVID-19的影响, some of our employees do not have work they can perform – through no fault of their own. 每个员工对我们都很重要,然而,我们面临着重大的经济损失. 为了支持这些员工尽管在这个时候缺乏工作, 从5月4日至6月30日,学校将继续支付他们50%的工资. 这包括我们的卡车司机地方工会. 8个员工, 因为大学和他们的代表已经达成了一项临时协议, 我们希望在不久的将来完成. We are planning to direct federal stimulus funds received by the University intended for institutional support, 与学生支持分开, 来帮助实现这一目标.

除了, these employees will continue to receive their benefits based on the adjusted salary. 基于与政府的对话, we believe that most of these employees should be eligible for unemployment and stimulus support, 哪些可以减少减薪的影响. 尽管如此,我理解这对这些员工来说很困难. 由赞助基金支付的员工继续收取工资, 以折扣率, 根据他们当前的工作分配分配到他们的项目预算. 的re are too many uncertainties at this time to make workforce projections after June 30, but we will continue to assess circumstances and provide updates regarding whether further steps are necessary.

This action largely affects employees in our auxiliary units and Office of Physical Plant, 尽管其他单位也有面临类似情况的员工. 你们很多人都知道,我们的辅助部队受到的打击尤其严重. 的y are self-sustaining units that receive funds generated by our hotels and conference centers, 以及在布莱斯乔丹中心举行的音乐会和其他活动, 例如. 资金也来自食宿费用. 不幸的是, 因为COVID-19, we have had to cancel events; our hotels are empty, as are the majority of our residence halls; and our food services operation has been idled.

欧博体育官网也打算这么做 收到约5500万美元 from the federal Higher Education Emergency 救援 Fund as part of $14 billion in support for postsecondary education students and institutions. 这笔资金来自最近通过的冠状病毒援助, 救援, 和经济安全(关怀)法案, 正如美国政府宣布的那样.S. 教育部. 其中,一半或近27美元.500万美元,将通过关怀计划进行指导, 为宾州州立大学的学生提供紧急经济援助. 的 University is working diligently with the 教育部 on next steps and continuing to advocate for further state and federal support.

So, 从现在起至少到本财政年度结束(6月30日), 我们不打算进一步的休假或裁员. 然而, 我们面临许多不确定因素, 未来可能仍有必要采取类似的措施.


除上述措施外, 大学正在为下一财政年度采取以下行动:

  • 单位减量3%

接下来的两周, 院长, chancellors and vice presidents and their leadership teams will be working through how to absorb a 3% cut on their education and general fund budgets for fiscal year 2020-2021. 这些领导人将决定如何实现预算削减, 给定单位与单位之间存在的差异类型, 并将提供指导. 无论如何,这并不容易. 虽然我们将优先考虑员工,但可能仍会有一些相关的工作影响.

我们是一个大, 复合型企业和我们的单位在结构上是不同的, 因此,这些节省费用措施的效果将不会被平等地感受到. 的re will be more to share once we have received each unit’s report and can look at the impact broadly and specifically.

  • 节约资本成本措施

We also have delayed or deferred several capital projects based on discussions with the 校董会, 这将使我们节省近六千万美元的计划开支. 的se are all important projects, and more information will be forthcoming on specifics. 

  • 学费

作为宾夕法尼亚州的赠地机构, we recognize the sustained financial hardship this pandemic is placing on 宾西法尼亚 families, 以及各地家庭的特殊情况. In an attempt to mitigate some of the financial hardship and recognizing the special circumstances of this summer session, 学费将根据实际情况进行调整 夏季学期 according to a pre-existing tuition structure and subject to 校董会 approval at the scheduled May meeting.

Penn State is one of the leading higher education institutions for online education and because of this we are able to leverage our capabilities and continue to deliver on students’ educational needs and learning outcomes.

另外, 我们的计划, 也须经董事会批准, 下一学年不会增加学费吗, again recognizing the challenging current and future circumstances of students and families.


大学是在坚实的基础上进入这场危机的, 怎样才能比较好地度过这次危机呢, 让我们恢复过来,尽管痛苦. 

  • 欧博体育官网拥有关键的储备, 是什么帮助我们抵御了过去的危机,比如2008-2009年的经济衰退. 的se reserves can be used to help manage the deficits we may face over the next few years – particularly if revenue losses exceed our projections in this uncertain environment.
  • 欧博体育官网是在线学习的早期采用者, 我们拥有世界上排名最高的课程之一. 我们灵活的产品, 包括世界校园, 联邦校园和大学公园, 还有“2+2”项目, 定位好,吸引和留住学生. 例如,我们将为国际学生提供支持, 下学期(或更长时间)远程上课, (如有需要)及, 一旦旅行限制解除, 来到欧博体育官网校园继续他们的教育经历.
  • 在最近的竞选活动中, we have seen record year-over-year fundraising that will continue to play a vital role for the University, 随着经济复苏,我们的校友和朋友帮助我们蓬勃发展.
  • 和, 我们的研究事业几年来一直处于上升的轨道上, 产生竞争性授予的赠款和合同.

的se positive foundations will help us during this crisis, along with other measures as well.


我打算在未来几周内安排一次市政厅会议, 分享更多关于影响的细节, 我们的实施计划, 并回答你的许多问题. 适当的, you will 当然 receive further communications from your unit leader or human resources representative.

I want to note especially that our 校董会 has been an important partner in providing guidance and support in the development of the action plan I have created, 以及大学的高级管理团队. 我们步调一致, and that support is important to me and to our ability to navigate this challenge effectively.

除了, 我也要求大学的高层领导自愿捐款, 分配给 员工援助 or 学生资助基金. 我将开始每月拿出工资的10%供款. Supporting students and employees in need is critically important to both Molly and me, 正如我们所知,这段时间对许多人来说是多么具有挑战性.


我们希望, 当然, 在秋季之前恢复正常的校园运作, 但没有人能完全预测这场大流行将会发生什么. We have tried to provide some clarity on the current situation for you and we will continue to share updates with our community. 你也可以访问 事业单位.edu/virusinfo 了解更多欧博官网app下载.

我很难过不得不告诉你这样的噩耗,我知道你有很多问题. 我们必须现实,但也要乐观. 我希望这场危机是对我们的经济和生活方式的短期冲击, 在某些方面类似于自然灾害. 我们是世界一流的大学, 具有多元化的研究和教育能力, 并准备在我们的市场中茁壮成长——无论是现在还是长期. 

欧博体育官网的学生. 我们将作为一个社区度过难关. 我们总是这样. 我们永远都会.


埃里克J. 巴伦