宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 extends THON to reach across the Atlantic Ocean

宾州大学公园. -第一次, THON将把触角延伸到佛罗伦萨, 意大利, where Penn Staters studying abroad will do their part to help enhance the lives of families impacted by childhood cancer. While more than 700 students spend 46 hours on their feet at the Bryce Jordan Center at 欧博体育官网 in University Park, another group will assemble to sway and shake for four hours at Sala D’Arme, 佛罗伦萨的维奇奥宫.

马拉松定于2月11日举行. 21-23, while Florence Dance for Kids will take place from 3 to 7 p.m. 2月. 22.

The idea to hold an event to bolster the efforts of the student-run philanthropy at Penn State was inspired by a taxi. 罗宾·G. Yaure, 教学教授, human development and family studies at 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校, 2018年夏天在意大利教书. 今年夏天将是她第11次这样做.




Yaure said she was moved by a presentation given by Zia Caterina, 的合作伙伴, 斯特凡诺, 佛罗伦萨的出租车司机, 2001年死于癌症. 他把出租车留给卡特琳娜, which she uses to drive young cancer patients and their families to hospitals and other places for free. She also provides entertainment in the hospital and raises funds for them. Those who hitch a ride in her “Milano 25” taxi are welcome to add a donation for children to the fare.

卡特琳娜被告知THON, and the idea to bring such an event to 意大利 “started percolating,”他说。, adding that the caring cabbie has been a part of the planning process from the beginning. 事实上, the charity she runs — Milano 25 ONG — paired with the International Studies Institute (ISI Florence) to plan the inaugural Florence Dance for Kids.

The ISI was established in 2001 as an independent private educational organization serving as an American educational center in Florence. Four years later, it created the Consortium for Public Universities, of which Penn State is a member.

来自2月份的资金. 22 dance will go to Caterina’s organization and the Trento Proton Therapy Centre, 年轻的病人在哪里可以得到新的癌症治疗方法.

来自伦敦的学生说, Spain and Rome expressed interest in being part of the THON in Florence after hearing about it through their friends and social media. She said 30 students have signed up to help with the THON-esque event in 意大利, 尤其是在社交网络方面.

While they are having life-changing experiences in faraway places, a lot of Penn State students studying abroad said they miss all of the events happening on their campuses, 说Yaure. Having a fundraising dance in Florence is one way to give them a taste of home.

Yaure will be present when the participants gather together in the palace, 可追溯到14或15世纪的, 哪里是市政府的所在地. She hopes there might even be a flash mob in the nearby piazza.

Yaure is communicating with the students in 意大利 as plans progress.

“我们现在是临场发挥,她笑着说, 加上她的一个同事, 罗宾Chotiner, PSUMA的兼职心理学教授, 非常有帮助.

最终, Yaure would love Dance for Kids to enjoy the longevity of THON, 从20世纪70年代末开始.



回到大学公园, students on 16 committees specialize in different areas of the planning logistics and execution of THON’s year-round campaigns, 筹款及活动, 包括THON周末, 丹·梅尔说, 他是今年马拉松的公关总监. Among the many activities offered over the 46 hours are stage acts, 鼓舞人心的演讲者, children with cancer demonstrating their talent and fashion sense, and a pep rally featuring Penn State athletes showing off their best dance moves.


——keighley Taylor,大四学生,宾州州立大学蒙奥图分校

在一起, 委员会和组织成员总数超过16人,来自欧博体育官网多个校区的500名学生志愿者, 包括欧博体育官网蒙奥图分校. Volunteers and supporters nationwide participate throughout the year in various events, 比如马拉松5K, 收获的一天, 《欧博体育官网》和家庭狂欢节.

今年, more than 60 students will represent 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 at THON, 其中四个人将会跳舞, 唐娜·罗兹说, s的协调器tudent活动他在蒙特阿尔托大学负责项目开发. On the dance floor will be seniors Kirsten Tercek and Madison Shirley, 二年级的雅各布·齐格勒和艾德里安·凯西. 他们中的一些人表达了他们参与的动机.

“I THON for family and friends close to me who lost their battle,” Tercek said.

“我希望有所作为, 希望传播, and help children and their families in the fight against cancer,齐格勒说.

“I THON so kids have the opportunity to follow their dreams,” Shirley said. “战胜癌症可能是一场艰难的战斗. We can make it easier by trying to shine some light into their world.”

那些不在舞池里的人将是支持者, 每天轮班6小时, 6个小时的睡眠,保持良好的士气. Among those backers is 蒙特中音 senior Keighley Taylor, overall chairwoman.

“I THON so every kid can be a kid, have more birthdays and smiles,” Taylor said. “I THON so families know they are not alone during this battle. THON is a family that is continuously growing and supporting one another. 马拉松不仅仅是一个舞会. It is fighting and uniting together to hopefully end pediatric cancer. 我希望每只幼崽都能成为尼塔尼狮子.”

今年, more than 60 students will represent 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 at THON, 其中四个人将会跳舞.

自1977年以来, 巨大的, 一年的努力已经支持了4,000 families and raised more than $168 million for Four Diamonds, which offsets the cost of treatment that insurance does not cover, as well as expenses that might affect the welfare of a child with cancer. The organization enables more than 30 specialty care providers to serve the physical, 精神, emotional and spiritual needs of patients and their families.

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