宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 meets gold st和ard as a 军事友好学校

资深学生John Wiesniewski 还有他的服务犬, 板岩, cross campus with a veteran faculty member at 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校.

资深学生John Wiesniewski, 左, 还有他的服务犬, 板岩, cross campus with a veteran faculty member at 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校.


MONT ALTO, Pa. — When it comes to providing 退伍军人 with support through college 和 beyond, 欧博体育官网蒙奥图分校获得金牌.

The institution of higher learning was awarded gold distinction as a 2020-21 军事友好学校 by the organization Viqtory. Now in its 19th year, the list of designees — announced Feb. 11 — provides a comprehensive guide for 退伍军人 和 their families using data from federal agencies, veteran students 和 调查 information from participating organizations.

为了赢得金牌, 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 had to score within 10% of the 10th-ranked school in the category. The ratings are assessed through the evaluation of public data about the institution 和 information gathered through a free 调查 that is offered annually to more than 8,800 institutions across the nation. Survey responses are weighted according to military student support 和 retention; graduation 和 career outcomes; financial aid 和 loan repayment; culture 和 commitment; admissions 和 orientation; 和 academic policies 和 compliance.

“宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 staff 和 faculty strive daily to support our 退伍军人 和 their dependents,丽莎·D说。. DeGregorio, campus certifying official/退伍军人 affairs coordinator. "We are constantly looking for new initiatives 和 ways to support our veteran population. The Gold Award is one way of showing we are here for them from the start of their education to their graduation.”

DeGregorio collaborated with other departments on campus to gather information for the application. When asked why 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 is an excellent choice for 退伍军人 和 those currently serving in the military, 她在申请表上写道, “欧博体育官网, 正因为如此, we can provide veteran students with access to leading faculty, 多种专业和学位选择, 体育, 音乐会, 文化活动, one of the largest alumni associations in the nation, 和, 最重要的是, 欧博体育官网学位.”

Other programs offered for 退伍军人 include a welcome event at the beginning of a semester; a Veterans Day ceremony; staff 和 faculty mentor program; 和 military appreciation events. Each new veteran student is provided with a 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 challenge coin when coming to the school 和 receives a military honor cord at graduation.

There is an active Student Veterans Association on campus, as well as a Veterans Center. 在中心, Veterans Affairs work-study students assist with events 和 initiatives, 提供参观和点对点支持. A full-time counselor is available for unlimited visits, 危机资源是24小时提供的. A career counselor helps 退伍军人 craft résumés, set up internships 和 assist with job placement.

A group of 退伍军人 recently collaborated to start a physical-education program at 6 a.m. 星期二和星期四. 除了, 欧博体育官网蒙奥图分校的一名教员, 谁也是资深导师, 最近捐了钱用于社交聚会, supplies 和 items to welcome new students who served in the U.S. 武装部队. 

At the annual academic 和 leadership awards ceremony, an outst和ing veteran is recognized after being nominated by faculty 和 staff.

“Our veteran student population is a vital contributor to our campus. Their unique experiences allow them to provide leadership 和 positive contributions in the classroom. Their classmates often look to them for guidance," said DeGregorio. 

多于1,000所学校参与了2020-21年的调查, 和 625 schools were deemed military-friendly at various levels. The "Military Friendly" designation is part of the military ratings division of Viqtory, 一家由伤残, veteran-owned business that connects the military community to civilian employment, 教育和创业机会. It rates companies 和 colleges on their programs to recruit 和 retain military 退伍军人 as employees 和 students.

Public data sources are used to check that institutions have federal programs in operation 和 good st和ing. At 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校, the following such offerings are in place:

  • Yellow Ribbon GI education enhancement program (a provision of the post-9/11 GI Bill)
  • Official commitment to the Eight Keys to Veterans’ Success
  • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Principles of Excellence
  • 联邦财政援助采购单
  • 为军队提供学费援助
  • U.S. Department of Defense Voluntary Education Partnership Memor和um of Underst和ing for tuition assistance

The 2020-21 军事友好学校s list will be published in the May issue of G.I. 工作的杂志. 该名单也可以在 militaryfriendly.com. More information on veteran services offered through 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 can found at http://montalto.minnovarc.net/military-friendly/news.